A Comprehensive Review of Safety and Risk Management Strategies in Aerospace Operations for Human Casualty Mitigation

Document Type : Original Research Article


1 Aerospace Research Institute, Ministry of Science and Research, Tehran, Iran

2 Aerospace Department, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic Azad University Sciences and Research, Tehran, Iran

3 Aerospace Department, Faculty of Engineering, Malek-Ashtar university of technology, Tehran, Iran.


In this article, risk management in the aerospace industry based on supply chain management has been discussed to reduce risks, human casualties and the safety of air operations. The aerospace industry operates in a high-risk and sensitive environment where safety and risk management are of great importance, so that any mistake or negligence can lead to an unfortunate disaster. This paper comprehensively analyzes risk assessment methods, risk mitigation strategies, risk communication practices and continuous improvement processes in the aerospace sector. This article uses relevant case studies and industry best practices to provide insights into effective risk management techniques specific to the aerospace industry. By examining these key aspects, this following article tries to provide a better risk management scheme and its critical role in ensuring safety in the aerospace industry.


Main Subjects

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