Optimal Sensors Positioning by Using Value of Information Method

Document Type : Original Research Article


Aerospace Research Institute, Ministry of Science and Research, Tehran, Iran


This study first discusses the importance of data collection and sensor placement in engineering. The Value of Information (VoI) method is introduced as a new approach for optimizing sensor placement. The decision-making theories, the VoI method, and its foundations are then explained. The application of this method for optimizing sensor placement is also described. Two case examples in the field of sensor placement in engineering are presented and analyzed. The first case involves determining the load-bearing status of land, the associated risks and costs, and the need to install piles. The second case involves monitoring the creep phenomenon in high-pressure vessels and pipes, where sensor placement is determined using the VoI method based on relevant risks. The results are compared with the UNI 11096 standard for pressure and high-temperature vessels.


Main Subjects

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