Stress-Strength Weibull Analysis Applied to Estimate Reliability Index in Industry 4.0

Document Type : Original Research Article


1 . Industrial and Technology Department, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Nuevo Casas Grandes, Casas Grandes, México

2 Industrial and Manufacturing Department, Institute of Engineering and Technology, Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez; Ciudad Juarez, Mexico


With technological advances, companies are allowed to integrate digital data, physical supplies, and human resources, and all this integration capability can be done thanks to Industry 4.0. This concept, also called the fourth industrial revolution, refers to smart companies that work with intelligent cyber-physical systems. Industry 4.0enables automation, data interchange, and big data processing, among others. Then, the process decision-making, efficiency, and productivity improvement for companies will become faster and more accurate, thanks to real-time data processes and all supply chain integration allowed by Industry 4.0. However, the implementation of Industry 4.0 carries several challenges for companies to have success in the transformation of a normal industry into an Industry 4.0, like the necessity of adding new hardware, software, and other technologic devices. Because of this, the implementation and control of Industry 4.0 come with new issues to handle and new failure modes for both hardware and electronic devices. These problems can be faced using reliability engineering tools. Then the object of this research is the use of reliability engineering methodology stress-strength Weibull analysis, highlighting that the behavior of frequency emitted by electronics devices follows a Weibull distribution most of the time. Also, a stress-strength Weibull with a different shape parameter close solution is presented to increase the efficiency and productivity in Industry 4.0 electronic devices.


Main Subjects

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