Software Safety Analysis with UML-Based SRBD and Fuzzy VIKOR- Based FMEA

Document Type : Original Research Article




Software often controls the behavior of mechanical and electrical systems, as well as interactions among their components in cyber-physical systems (CPS). The risks in CPS systems could result in losing tools, features, performance, and even life. Therefore, safety analysis for software in these systems is a highly critical and serious issue. The use of reliability block diagram is a method for checking the safety and reliability of systems. A reliability block diagram is a diagrammatic method for showing how component reliability contributes to the success or failure of a complex system. In this paper, a method for generating RBDs is presented analysis and demonstration of this method capability to evaluation of a software safety by use-case analysis, use-case diagram review, and use-case specification. Then, a Fuzzy VIKOR-based FMEA is used for further evaluation due to the presence of uncertain data. Finally, it is applied to a real CPS.


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