Maintenance Grouping Optimization with Air Systems to Improve Risk Management

Document Type : Original Research Article


Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


Risk management and technical integrity of air systems are critical in the aviation industry. Maintenance grouping, as one of the main risk management tools in the aviation industry, refers to activities aimed at maintaining and improving the technical integrity or reducing the risk of maintaining aviation systems. Since there may be a set of equipment and parts in an air system that need maintenance or repair, optimization of maintenance grouping can improve performance and increase the safety and technical accuracy of the air system. This article will analyze and review the optimization methods of maintenance grouping in air systems. First, the importance of risk management and the technical accuracy of air systems will be examined, and then a detailed description of the maintenance grouping steps will be discussed. In the following, various optimization methods and algorithms used to improve maintenance grouping performance will be reviewed. Then, the advantages and limitations of each method will be discussed. In the end, the results of this research and its critical implications will be evaluated, and suggestions will be made to optimize maintenance grouping in air systems. The study results show that the genetic algorithm can improve resource utilization, scheduling efficiency, and cost reduction in maintenance grouping. This can significantly benefit the aviation industry, as it can help reduce costs, improve aircraft availability, and enhance safety.


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