Significance of Aviation Safety, Its Evaluation, and Ways to Strengthen Security

Document Type : Original Research Article


1 Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


Numerous studies have demonstrated that human factors are the primary cause of deadly air incidents and accidents involving passenger flights. Human error is defined as mistakes and flaws in the way a human component of a system performs a predetermined action or refrains from performing an activity that is forbidden or that needs to be completed within a given amount of time, with a specific degree of precision, or both. Vision error, measurement units, radio communication, language, aircraft warning system design, psychological stress, pilot selection and qualification, pilot flight qualification, fatigue, aging, human performance, flight crew coordination, modifications to the Course of Cadin course, and human factors in aircraft design are the typical categories into which such errors are divided. Based on international norms and indications, the investigation's findings demonstrate that the Civil Aviation Organization's supervision in the sensitive area of ISI has been appropriately followed. This matter is significant because, since 2010, the Civil Aviation Organization has complied with its standards optimally based on international audits. This is because, among domestic experts, compliance with international standards has always been a top concern in increasing safety and productivity in this field. However, determining if this issue is sufficient to establish safety and prevent accidents is crucial. In this research, we examine the risk method for flight safety, the performance evaluation index of safety, security, and flight safety by passengers, and the most important golden tips to save from plane crashes.


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